Products & Services

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Hydraulic Fluted Roller Truing Machine

Accurate & precise truing of Bottom rollers, Shafts etc.

Can handle rollers up to 40 mm diameter.

Hydraulic operated press

Eccentricity checking gauge is included

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Manual Fluted Roller Truing Machine

Manual operated press.

For Truing the Bottom roller/Shafts .

Can handle rollers up to 40 mm diameter.

With a dial gauge to measure Eccentricity.

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Spindle Lubricating Machine

With Three oil Tanks- For Topping Oil,Flushing Oil & Fresh oil.

Two Oiling Guns – For Bolster Flushing and Filling bolster with Fresh oil.

Fine filter for flushing oil

Flushing oil tank capacity: 23 Litre.

Topping oil tank capacity: 13 Litre.

Used oil tank capacity: 9 Litre.

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Hot Clean Hp20 Ultimate Flyer Cleaning Machine

Specially designed to clean Closed type flyers.

Uses High pressure jet of Hot water for cleaning

Remove all accumulated dirt & sticky residue from the flyer tube.

Improves the Roving Frame Performance

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Clearer Roller Cleaning Machine

With Auto feed Magazine, Requires less man attention

Motor operated Cleaning roller

With Attached Pnuemafil system

Machine also available without Auto Feed Magazine

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Roving Stripping And Opening Machine

Manual operated press.

For Truing the Bottom roller/Shafts .

Can handle rollers up to 40 mm diameter.

With a dial gauge to measure Eccentricity.

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Roving Waste Opener

For Opening loose Roving waste

Better Griping thanks to special design of Feed Plate

Pinned type beater ensures zero fibre damage

Power 5.2 kw

Assembly Winder * Auto Coner * Auto Cot Grinder * Automatic Arbour Flushing Machine * Automatic Arbour Greasing Machine * Automatic Cot Grinding Machine * Automatic Flat Grinding Machine * Automatic U. V. Treatment Machine * Auxiliary Machines * Bale Press * Blow Room Machinery * Butt Welder * Card Maintenance Machines * Clearer Roller Cleaning Machine * Cost Servicing Machines * Cot Checking Device * Cot Grinding Machine * Cot Mounting Pneumatic Machine * Cotton Waste Recycling Line * Flat Clipping Machine * Flat Clipping Machine Pneumatic * Flat End Milling Machine * Fully Motorized Cot Checking Device * Hand Operated Greasing System For Arbour * Hard Waste Recycling Line * Horizontal Hydraulic Cot Mounting Machine * Hot Clean Hp20 Ultimate Flyer Cleaning Machine * Hydraulic Cot Mounting Machine * Hydraulic Fluted Roller Truing Machine * Knitting Machine * Manual Cot Mounting Machine * Manual Fluted Roller Truing Machine * New Generation Card * On Card Flat Grinding Roller * Other Products * Perfect Magitex O. H. T. C * Reciprocating Stone Grinder * Ring Frame * Roller Mounting Machine * Roving Stripping And Opening Machine * Roving Waste Opener * Shore Hardness Tester * Spindle Lubricating Machine * Spinning Machinery * Surgical Cotton Card * Texile Machineries * Textile Machinery * Textile Waste Recycling * Twin Grinder * Two For One Twister * Ultraviolet Treatment Machine * Wire Removal Machine